Stefan Glaenzer – Passion Capital – VC
Ballet dancer gone mad. Stephan once was famed for dancing and being a Doctor. Dancing prancing Dr and German….I can only just imagine that as they do not seem to go toegther.
After being a dancer and Dr, Stef baby turned himself into a DJ and rocked around the clock…Ibiza, St Tropex, etc etc. He had one of the largest mixing decks in the world and took it in his famous VW van to every where in the world that the VW would goto. It all ended when he crashed the VW at a wild party in Greece ( I was recently in Greece and saw the famed VW)
Some of the above is completely made up and I am just rambling.
Stefan Glaenzer
Stefan Glänzer is founding partner at Passion Capital in London. He was recently named the best angel investor in Europe by readers and editors of TechCrunch Europe, and was the first investor and executive chairman of, seeing that company through to its sale to CBS (2007 USD $280 million). He is also Founder at Whitebearyard. He speaks German. Studied at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and University of Hamburg. His interests are entrepreneurship, seed, early stage and investing. He is looking for the best talent in London, Berlin and ROW.