Jens Lapinski – Techstars Berlin

Jens Lapinski – Techstars Berlin

Mr Lapinski once played and got 36 caps playing for Poland and also playing in the 1992 World Cup and got a silver medal. Wow you would not have known that would you? In all the time I have known him he has kept that quiet…


The above picture is Jens when he was at Warner Yard doing a  selfie and below is a more recent one since he has moved to Berlin. The pictures are only 2 years apart so the German life has aged Jens considerably.

Thomas Lapinski


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Jens Lapinski

Jens Lapinski

Jens is the Managing Director of Techstars. Studied at the University of Cambridge, University of Leeds and Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau. During his PhD at Cambridge University, he developed, patented and licensed new water technology. Jens lives in Berlin with his wife Iris and young daughters Lucie and Anna. He speaks German