Andy McLoughlin – The Doctor Who – Huddle now SoftTech

Andy Mcloughlin – ex Huddle co-founder and now a VC at Softtech. Poacher turned game keeper:


David Tenant

They seek him here they seek him there. I have no idea why that came into my mind when thinking of Andy but it did. He is definitely not a dedicated follower of fashion – Beatles song in case you did not know.

As Andy was the cofounder of a company probably valued at over $100 million I guess Softtech offered him a  load of cash or maybe Andy realised he was way out of his depth:) I have tried to connect with Jeff at Softtech to find out why, he has not replied – but he is French:) Say sorry to him Andy:):) Not about being French:):):)

Anyway just some more trivia – Andy did a degree at the University of Sheffield and bet you did not know this but he was there at the same time as Alex Dunsdon another VC. Do you guys know each other? Did you sleep with the same girl?….oops

Andy and my paths oddly cross in numerous ways but we had never met until 6 months ago:


Andy invest in Postmates and I invested in Jinn. Postmates founder and Jinn founders both spent time in Newcastle with Jon Bradford ( Techstars ) and Paul Smith ( ). Plus both founders had a virtual fight on twitter – FIGHT FIGHT

Andy invested in SecretEscapes. I have known Troy Collins, one of the founders of SecretEscapes for years and I am an investor in Troy’s new company Endource.

Andy and me invested in Mitoo founded by Andy Crump

We both invested in Driftock, founded by Matt Wheeler

Many of Andy’ other investments I know the founders


Anyway that is all due to Andy being Dr Who and going back in time and looking at all the companies I thought were interesting and then investing in them. That makes no logical sense when read back but somehow sounds odd.



All the best in the new role Andy


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