Ami Shpiro – Innovation Warehouse – Angel Investor
This is a spoof article about Ami as obviously he never could sing….Do not take the post seriously:)
Walking back to happiness
Ami has over time lost his hair and is almost unrecognisable nowadays to the singer he/she (? ) once was. The question mark is because as you can see above Amy was once a women and now Ami is a man….
Ami Shpiro
Not knowing the in’s and outs of this sort of stuff I don’t know if Amy/Ami is he/she/it/thing – sure not It or Thing but maybe there is a special name that I am unfamiliar with.
Thing was actually a hand in the Addams family show, Paul Smith of Ignite was in that show which one:
Ami definitely was not in the Addams family or I can’t see him in the above picture, but you can’t be scertain as the transition from Amy to Ami probably did not happen over night and took many months or delicate operations…just sounds horrible the thought of it. What do they do with the spare skin…I know they put it sort of inside out but what about the crown jewels.
I saw Ami recently in London and he seems to now now be living his life inside a machine and looked very much like Steven Hawkins – ask him to get the machine out if you see him. Make sure to describe the machine as I think Ami has a few and you don’t want to get the wrong one:)
This is another version:
Ami is Founder at Innovation Warehouse and Clicksoftware in London and also Angel, entrepreneur, experiential mentor and software developer. He speaks Hebrew and French. Studied at the Hebrew University and University of Southampton and also counselling at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His specialties are mobility, Web and CRM markets.