Eileen Burbidge – The Preacher – Passion Capital

Can you believe Eileen Burbridge started life as a miner – honest – definitely she did not look like the ones I knew in Newcastle. But that’s what happens when you do a Computer Science degree in Chicago. Here is the photo proof:

Eileen Burbridge

She then went onto fixing phones for Skype in the early days, Yahoo recognised her talents and off she went to do something for them….collecting some lovely stock options from both of those companies in the early days was her main job I imagine:)…….now there is great talent in that…doing it once is lucky but twice is a skill, sadly a one I was no good at. Don’t knock it the ability to see a wave before it arrives can make you very rich. Eileen then decided to die her hair and have a bit of plastic surgery ( again looking for the wave ) then this happened:

Breaking Bad

Is that Jon Bradford in the middle but shaven headed and  Fede on the right???

She did then repent …well almost, actually hardly much, really none at all, honestly she got worse and became a VC. So now she preaches be it on BBC, ITV, Sky News for the greater good of tech in the UK, etc etc etc….as can be seen below she has great ambitions:

Eileen Burbridge2

On a more serious note….maybe……she is a trainee hairdresser ( I kid you not – ask her), Arsenal fan ( I know gets worse ) and really is now a Brit through and through….no getting away from it honey:):)

In her knew role as The Preacher she lives in White Bear Yard and invests/gambles ( you pick your words ) in very early stage startups in the UK via Passion Capital. So if you want some cash from the pretty Eileen you know where she lives just knock on the door and remember to take a big bag.



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